Beach Lifestyle Living

Beach Lifestyle Living

We import and sell beautiful things from all over the Globe. Come and see our stunning Nigerian leather Pouffes, Turkish Rugs and Towels, Italian Soaps, Indian Soft Furnishings, Funky furniture from recycled fishing boats, antiques and artifacts, books, jewelery, Moroccan bowls, amazing Ashram carvings, fashion from Humidity, Holiday & Ellis & Dewey, beach towels, wicker shopping baskets, Kenyan Kikios, lotions and potions that smell amazing and make your home smell great too...soooo many things to touch, feel and make yours!!! :) You will find our Shop in the beautiful village of Dunsborough, inbetween MILC and the Dunsborough Bakery, on Naturaliste Tce....the shop is open 7 days a week.

Please note that our Beach Lifestyle Living Warehouse Shop is located in the Dunsborough LIA, just off Commonage Rd and is OPEN on SATURDAY MORNING ONLY 9.30am till 1pm.

Two great shopping locations for your retail therapy enjoyment!!! :)
